In the heart of the picturesque Appalachian region, a community brimming with strength and tenacity has found its voice through the eloquent prose of Shannon Smith. The talented author, known and cherished within the Carcassonne community, has unveiled her poignant work, When The Whippoorwill Calls, which stands as a powerful tribute to the resilience and unique culture of the Appalachian people. This remarkable follow-up to her debut novel, When Snakes Dance, continues to shed light on the challenges faced by the region while offering a glimmer of hope and a reminder of the unwavering spirit of its inhabitants.

In her latest creation, When The Whippoorwill Calls, Shannon beautifully captures the essence of Appalachia—a region that has often been misunderstood and misrepresented. Through her evocative words, she paints a vivid portrait of the struggles and triumphs of the people who have called these hills and hollers home for generations:

“In Appalachia we have had years to be scorned as out of step with the larger world. Our lifestyle, our dialect, and our beliefs have been the butt of books, television shows and movies. Through it all, through poverty and lack of opportunities our people have survived.”

Shannon’s depiction of the challenges faced by this proud community is both heartfelt and sincere. Her words echo the strength that has allowed these resilient individuals to endure hardships, weather storms, and stand united even in the face of adversity. Through her storytelling, she brings to life the struggles of a region that has often been pushed to the sidelines, providing a much-needed perspective that celebrates the beauty of the culture that thrives there.

Meanwhile, When Snakes Dance delves into another pressing issue affecting Appalachia—the devastating impact of the drug epidemic. In the excerpt from this book, Shannon doesn’t shy away from addressing the harsh realities faced by the community:

“Appalachian people have always been fiercely independent and after generations of victimization it is little wonder that they have become distrustful of outsiders. In an area already reeling from a crumbling economy and increasing out-migration, this might be the final battlefield.”

Shannon’s dedication to shedding light on these critical issues is commendable. Her words serve as a rallying cry for change, advocating for new approaches, better education, and well-funded treatment facilities to address the pressing challenges faced by the region. Through her writing, she seeks to erase the stereotypes that have plagued Appalachia and elevate the community to its rightful place of recognition and respect.

As we immerse ourselves in Shannon’s literary works, we’re reminded of the power of storytelling to unite, inspire, and ignite change. Her novels not only honor the vibrant culture and enduring spirit of Appalachia but also offer a beacon of hope for the future. Shannon’s contributions as an author and community member are a source of inspiration, reminding us that our words have the potential to reshape perceptions, promote understanding, and foster positive change in the world around us.


You can purchase both books either directly from the author (Facebook) or on Amazon through the links below:

When The Whippoorwill Calls Paperback

Release Date: July 7, 2023 

Click Here to Purchase

When Snakes Dance Paperback

Release Date: April 13, 2023

Click Here to Purchase


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